Android event bus with rxjava

event bus is a publish/subscribe event. That's mean you can send event. And in somewhere you can subscribe that event. In android we can use some libs such as EventBus and otto. Those are two popular libs for event bus in android. Today `rx` is so popular in programming. So we will try to use... Continue Reading →

Intro Firebase

At Google I/O 2016 Firebase is now a complete solution for building and maintaining an app on multiple platforms. Now we can use firebase as your backend server to our mobile app. From firebase homepage: Firebase helps you develop high-quality apps, grow your user base, and earn more money. Each feature works independently, and they... Continue Reading →

Android product flavor with gradle

When develop android application, sometimes we need custom different icon, package name for different version of the same app. To solved that problem, android build tool have features called: `product flavor`. To create product flavor you need put this code to `build.gradle` at `app`/`mobile` folder look like productFlavors { local { } dev { }... Continue Reading →

Use Travis with Android

Travis is a CI service that helps you build and test your project. To enable Travis for Android project we will simply put `.travis.yml` file to the root of the project. Now we will setup Travis on a sample project. I will use sample-intro-page repo. Here are all steps. 1. Create `.travis.yml` file in root... Continue Reading →

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